









» » Choquehuanca said Bolivia's pacifist vocation in 40 Assembly of OAS

Lima, Abi
The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bolivia, David Choquehuanca, presented in Lima 'position on peace, security and cooperation in the Americas', under the XL Regular Session of the General Assembly of the Organization of American States (OAS) opened on Monday in the capital of Peru.

The Bolivian head of diplomacy stressed the desire for peace in Bolivia, ratified in the Constitution of their country and their compliance with the principles of the Charter of the United Nations and the Organization of American States.

By way of his chancellor, Bolivia reaffirmed its commitment to disarmament as "a path leading to a lasting peace between all peoples of the world."

He stressed that, at regional level, "the Treaty of Tlatelolco is an important paper shows that regional efforts can play in combating the global threat of nuclear weapons."

He highlighted the purpose of the Americas to establish itself as a region free of nuclear weapons.

Also stressed that only a world in which all countries that comprise it solved its problems of poverty, hunger, health, education and political instability, will increasingly require fewer weapons.

"We can be sure that the only permanent balances in the medium and long term are those that are established through villages to reach to meet its basic needs, based on respect for nature and its balance with human beings," he said Choquehuanca .

Bolivian Foreign Minister conveyed in the regional forum that "awareness and demand dignity of Latin American soil than any of its member to be used anymore as a foreign military base."

Bolivia in constitution prohibits the establishment of military bases on its territory.

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