Oruro, Abi
The District Attorney of Potosi, Sandro Fuertes, who on Friday was able to recover the bodies of four policemen lynched more than a week in the Cala ayllus Saca Saca and Uncía Creek Township said that the cause of death was traumatic brain injury (TBI).
The lawyer who arrived at approximately 11:00 am to the Andean city of Oruro, carrying the bodies in two cars, offered an impromptu press conference in which he said that "this is the coroner's report, which participated in the uprising statutory bodies.
"According to the report that has been expressed at the time of legal survey of the bodies, the legal cause of the deaths of four people is head trauma, ECT in other terms," he said.
The bodies of the unfortunate officers of the Directorate for Prevention and Vehicle Theft (DIPROVE) were delivered to relatives in the cemetery of Oruro.
According to information still unclear, police Alcócer Nelson Casano, Palluni Miguel Ramos, Ruben Cruz and Esteban Aruquipa Alave Arias, were apparently removed from its jurisdiction and confused as extortionists were executed, according to local press reports.
The Potosi District Attorney revealed that the efforts being made to recover the bodies, the refusal of the community members, who put several conditions for doing so were difficult and complicated but said they were "extreme" efforts for the effective receive "Christian burial"
The delivery of the corpses, the victims' families demanded at institutional levels and that even President Evo Morales called "for humanitarian act," was conditioned by the leaders of the settlers, to exclude any multiple murder investigation.
The lawyer said the case must be investigated to clarify the crime, but argued that to do the same with other reported killings by community members of the ayllu adjacent to Uncía that "may have been the trigger" for the slaying of police.
"The investigation is just beginning and we will put all the effort that the law requires us to get to the truth of the facts, not just in this case the death of four police officers, but also on the deaths of these six members of the municipality of Uncía ayllus (not cleared), "he said
Police ayllus Uncía lynched in head injury died (Attorney)
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