









» » Villena: "The bodies of the policemen lynched should be delivered"

La Paz, Abi
The bodies of four policemen killed in Uncía communities must be returned to his family for humanitarian reasons "because you can not play with human pain," said on Wednesday Ombudsman Rolando Villena.

Villena was the last days Uncía for talks with leaders of the ayllu in the area and build consensus to overcome the problem originated with the disappearance and subsequent death of four policemen.

The Ombudsman regretted that so far no agreements have been reached for a thorough investigation of the facts and the consequent delivery of the dead bodies of their relatives to be buried.

"It marks 10 days of these tragic events has been achieved without solutions," he said.

He said that the leaders of the ayllu are gathered in a council to make a determination on the fact that considered? Crime "because" no one can take the life of another person with impunity. "

He noted that the State Constitution provides that Bolivia does not apply the death penalty and, conversely, is calling the people to respect life. "

"With the events in the vicinity of Uncía democracy is weakened," said Villena, to invite the leaders of the ayllu to take decisions that comply with the law

Revealed that these leaders had demanded that the State investigate the death of seven people in the area over the past six years without justice has sanctioned such cases.

"All these facts should be investigated and set out the responsibilities to prevent its recurrence, not only in this plateau region, but across the country," he said.

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